Neri Oxman
Neri Oxman at MIT Media Lab. Photography by Tony Luong
neri oxman: NYC lab coming 2024
Globally renowned designer, scientist, and inventor Neri Oxman, founder of the Mediated Matter group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab, will develop a new research and design facility in Manhattan.
Oxman’s 36,000-square-foot lab will pursue systemic changes in the built environment by realigning design and production methods with the natural world. Fusing technology and biology, the lab will research, design, and implement inventions addressing complex challenges across product, architectural, urban, and planetary scales. (For the full download on Oxman’s practice, we recommend checking out her conversation with Norman Foster about the future of architecture that preceded her landmark solo exhibition at MoMA last year, or diving into her 2016 cover story.)
OXMAN is rethinking design to empower a future of complete synergy between Nature and humanity.
Humanity is a part of Nature, yet the world we have designed has created a rift between us. It is now our responsibility to heal it.Some of the language they used that I liked: “experimental, risk-taking projects in wild, out-there, never-before-seen concepts and future universes real or imagined…groundbreaking…work that attends to the many relationships between social, economic, and environmental justice, and advances the global dialogue around critical issues impacting the sustainability of artists, our communities, our planet, and beyond.