Fashion and Race Database

Very little in our world is untouched by the social construct of ‘race.’ So how does race influence the fashion system and the way we ‘fashion’ ourselves in society?

Participants and stakeholders within the fashion system–which encompasses designers, C-suite executives, educators, students, magazine editors, museum curators, the modeling industry and more–can all benefit from a dedicated, educational resource that reveals the inextricable link between ‘race,’ power, privilege and aesthetics.

The Fashion and Race and Database™ provides a roadmap for lasting change in the fashion system, as it offers lessons and resources that diversify how we understand fashion. The database is an invaluable platform for those who agree that it’s time to challenge dominant narratives and harmful practices in fashion.

This educational and supportive platform applies pressure to outdated and oppressive ways of thinking, and uplifts the stories and histories that need to be told. This takes a global effort that involves racialized participants as well as our non-racialized allies.


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